UI/UX resolutions for 2020: Best Practices your Company should follow!

Any product’s appeal (and therefore its sale) that your company has put up for its consumers basically depends on two criteria –

1. How user-friendly and satiating it is at its usability.
2. How appealing and friendly is the packaging/interactive layer that the user uses to utilize your product?

The first factor is a simplified definition of the UX Design (i.e, the User Experience design) of your product, while the latter signifies the UI(User-Interface)Design.

Although these terms are generally used in reference to cyber products (software and apps offering services and solutions), they are not limited to the domain.

An awesome application with extensive features and usability cannot possibly reach the zenith of its potential if it’s wrapped with a weak, unfriendly, unattractive interaction surface. Similarly, even an invoking, arousing, appealing and interactive base cannot sky-shot the sales of a product whose basic layer of application and usability (or ‘back-end’ as developers call it) is flawed.

Thus, both UI and UX design need to go hand in hand to come up with the best end-results.
So, here’s a list of what you as a company could do differently this year to come up with the best UI/UX combo for your users:

Understand the Co-dependence –The first important thing to understand is how UI and UX intermingle with each other. Pay heed to the para above, let this be a reminder that the efforts are fulfilling only if they meet the requirements from end-to-end.

Know, understand and focus on your audience and their requirements – Don’t beat around the bush and be satisfied if one of those blows randomly lands on it! Spend time and resources on understanding your exact/targeted user-base and then follow an objective designing methodology catering to pre-decided specifications and requirements.

Keep it Simple – Simplicity preludes an underlying elegance. Your users need to be impressed by the elegance of your product’s design and workflow, not overwhelmed by the complexity of it all.
If you’re designing one of those versatile, flexible and thus, seemingly complex things, try to use as many of those popularly familiar features (for instance, ‘drag and drop’ for computer designs) as you can. Innovate and experiment with implications and applications.

Care to gather feedback, and act on it – The last one on this list, but probably the most important and often the most neglected as well.
Consumer feedback on both UX as well as UI and timely action on it is a necessary iterative cycle that can help you constantly improve your product and services. This not only leaves you better off than before but also helps highlight your goodwill, indulgence, and concern amidst the consumer base!

That’s a series of simple resolutions you could take this year to enhance not only your consumers’ experience but also the interface they experience it through.

Sachirva Technology Solutions is a young multi-disciplinary Development, Design, and Marketing firm providing Web & Mobile Apps Development, Digital Marketing, Graphic Designing, UI | UX Designs, Digital Advertising, Content Writing, Photo & Videography, Motion Graphics, and Event Management.

For more info:https://sachirva.com/

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